Real Life Heroes Wiki

These are the last words of real life heroes before they pass away.

Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
Jesus Christ on the Cross before His final breath; according to Luke 23:46.

A dying man can do nothing easily.
Benjamin Franklin

'‍Tis well. I die hard, but I am not afraid to go.
George Washington

Is it the fourth?
Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson survives.
John Adams, the very same day that Thomas Jefferson died, who unknown to Adams, died only five hours early

She won't think anything about it.
Abraham Lincoln to his wife Mary Todd just before his assassination

Well boys, do your best for the women and children, and look out for yourselves.
Captain Edward John Smith to the crew of the RMS Titanic before heading into the bridge just before the Titanic sank on April 15th, 1912.

I feel I no longer fit in with these times.
Calvin Coolidge

I have a terrific headache.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt after being carried to his bedroom after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage while having his portrait done.

Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I love you.
Mother Teresa

Hei! Hei Ra...!
Mahatma Gandhi after being shot by Nathuram Godse

Es lebe unser heiliges Deutschland! (Translated: Long live our holy Germany!)
Claus von Stauffenberg seconds before being executed by a Nazi firing squad

Kaputt. (Translated: Broken)
Manfred von Richthofen to the Australian soldiers that came up to his plane.

Gentlemen, I bid you farewell…
Wallace Hartley to his band members before they were swept away during the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

Consummatum Est! (Translated: It is finished!)
Jose Rizal before he executed by firing squad in Bagumbayan on December 30th, 1896.

Pozwól mi iść do domu Ojca. (Translated:Let me go to the house of the Father.)
Pope John Paul II

Be sure to play 'Blessed Lord' tonight — play it real pretty.
Martin Luther King, Jr. before his assassination on April 4th, 1968 by James Earl Ray.

I'm bored with it all.
Winston Churchill before slipping into a coma and dying nine days later.

We are running on line north and south.
Amelia Earhart radioing before she and Fred Noonan disappeared when their plane possibly crashing into the Pacific Ocean.

Jésus, Jésus, Jésus!
Joan of Arc will being burned at the stake.

No, you certainly can't.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy to Nellie Connally about how Dallas actually loves him seconds before his assassination.

Ulysses S. Grant

France, armée, tête d'armée, Joséphine. (Translated: France, Army, Head of the Army, Joséphine.)
Napoleon Bonaparte

Please put out the light.
Theodore Roosevelt

This is a hell of a way to die.
George S. Patton

I'm dying.
Steve Irwin, after being fatally stabbed in the heart by a stingray.

Hold up the train. Ammunition ship afire in harbour making for Pier 6 and will explode. Guess this will be my last message. Good-bye boys.
Vince Coleman's final telegraph message before perishing in the Halifax Explosion.

Repente in osculis Liviae et in hac voce defecit: Livia, nostri coniugii memor vive, ac vale! (Livia, live mindful of our marriage, and farewell!)
Augustus to his wife Livia

«ὦ Κρίτων, ἔφη, τῷ Ἀσκληπιῷ ὀφείλομεν ἀλεκτρυόνα· ἀλλὰ ἀπόδοτε καὶ μὴ ἀμελήσητε» (Roughly translated: Crito, we owe a cock to Asclepius. Please, don't forget to pay the debt.)
Socrates to Crito (according to Plato's Phaedo.)

Please help me!
Eliza Ward after being fatally wounded by Gerard Patrick Stewart.

میرا عزم اتنا مضبوط ہے کہ میں بغیر کسی کے شعلوں سے ڈرتا نہیں ہوں ، میں صرف پھولوں کی تازگی سے ڈرتا ہوں ، کہ یہ میرا باغ نیچے جلا سکتا ہے. (Translated: My resolve is so strong that I do not fear the flames from without, I fear only the radiance of the flowers, that it might burn my garden down.)
Salman Taseer's final tweet shortly before he was shot by Mumtaz Qadri.

Are you ready? Okay. Let's roll.
Todd Beamer before fighting the terrorists aboard United Airlines Flight 93, sacrificing his life in the process.

Jump Sim, jump!
Casey Jones to his fireman Simeon T. "Sim" Webb before he blows the whistle to warn the cars in front on his train

Je ne le veux pas. (Translated: I don't want it.)
Marie Curie upon being offered a painkilling injection

We're going to rush the hijackers.
Jeremy Glick

We're going in!
Tom Burnett

There is shooting, people are terrified, people are inside their homes lying on the ground. We are suffering the consequences of the death of the head of state, I believe. We, the civilians, are in no way responsible for the death of our head of state.
Agathe Uwilingiyimana shortly before her rape and murder by Hutu supremacists.

Keep going. I'm right behind you.
Billy Burke

Tell my family I love them.
William "Dave" Sanders

Allende does not surrend, Shit Milicos!!!
Salvador Allende

Don't worry, it's not so bad.
Yitzhak Rabin

I am not leaving my men!
Peter Ganci, Jr.

We've dressed up in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.
Benjamin Guggenheim to people on Titanic before going down with ship along with his valet, Victor Giglio.

This guy is crazy
Chris Kyle's final text message before his murder by Eddie Ray Routh.

If things don't go well and it's not looking good, I just want you to know I love you. Go have a good time, same to my parents and everybody, I just totally love you and I want you to do good. Bye babe, I'll try to call you.
Brian David Sweeney before he was killed on September 11.

In the name of God, I implore you—I beg you—I ORDER you—STOP THE REPRESSION!
Óscar Romero seconds before he was shot by a state-sponsored assassin.

Do you think I'm a sheep?
Fred Rogers to his wife, referring to the parable of the sheep and goats.

Ja, ja, wie Gott es will. Möge Gott Sie dafür belohnen. Möge Gott das liebe Vaterland beschützen. Arbeitet weiter für Ihn... oh, du lieber Retter! (Translated: Yes, yes, as God wills it. May God reward you for it. May God protect the dear Fatherland. Go on working for him... oh, you dear Saviour!)
Clemens von Galen

This is a beautiful country. I did not have the chance to see it before.
John Brown just before he was hanged; he also left a note describing his hatred of slavery.

Они находятся снаружи. Это конец командира, спасибо, скажите моей семье и моей стране, что я люблю их. Скажите им, что я был храбрым и боролся до тех пор, пока больше не мог. Пожалуйста, позаботьтесь о моей семье, отомстите за мою смерть, прощайтесь, командир, скажите моей семье, что я люблю их! (Translated: They are outside. This is the end commander, thank you, tell my family and my country I love them. Tell them I was brave and I fought until I could no longer. Please take care of my family, avenge my death, good bye commander, tell my family I love them!)
Alexander Prokhorenko after calling an airstrike on his position.

Aequanimitas. (Translated: Equanimity.)
Antoninus Pius

I had rather live, but I am not afraid to die.
Benjamin Disraeli

Send Mike immediately!
Lyndon B. Johnson, referring to the head of his secret service detail, while suffering a heart attack.

Get to a safe place. Something really bad might happen.
Michael Landsberry to his students before being shot and killed by Jose Reyes, who later commited suicide. Michael was the sole victim of the shooting.
