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Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (1897-1968) - Soviet military leader and statesman, one of the most prominent commanders of World War II. Marshal Rokossovsky, whose biography is closely connected with the Great Patriotic War, made a huge contribution to the victory of the Soviet army over the fascist invaders.

Beginning of the way[]

Konstantin Konstantinovich was born on December 21, 1896 (January 3), 1897 in Warsaw in the family of a Pole and a Belarusian. His father was a simple worker, descended from the gentry family of the Rokossovskys, who previously owned the large village of Rokossovo. Mother is a teacher, originally from the Belarusian village of Telekhany.

By 1911, Kostya was left an orphan, he worked as a laborer at a factory, an assistant pastry chef, and a stonemason.

With the outbreak of the First World War, Rokossovsky rushed to the front, and in order to be taken as a volunteer, he adds to his age. He fought in the Kargopol Dragoon Regiment. For ingenuity shown in intelligence, he is awarded the St. George Cross of the IV degree. For courage in battles, he was presented with the St. George Cross of the III degree and the St. George medal of the IV degree.

In 1917, Rokossovsky joined the Red Army with other supporters of the Bolsheviks. During the Civil War he fought in the rank of squadron commander. In 1919 he participated in the battle with the army of Admiral Alexander Kolchak. He distinguished himself in the battle with the Asiatic division of General von Sternberg in 1921, where he was seriously wounded. For courage he received the Order of the Red Banner. Together with Georgy Zhukov, he completed advanced training courses for command personnel. In 1926 he left for Mongolia, where he trained the army, and then to Transbaikalia and the Far East. In the late 1930s, the military leader did not escape repression, but in 1940 he was released, rehabilitated and promoted to the rank of major general.


A big surprise for everyone was the news of the arrest in 1937 of the respected commander of the Red Army. Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich, whose biography was impeccable, was accused of having links with Japanese and Polish intelligence.

Having become a victim of false accusations, Rokossovsky spent more than two years under investigation. Only in March 1940, Konstantin Konstantinovich was released and fully rehabilitated in his rights. In the same year, with the introduction of general ranks in the Red Army, he was awarded the title of "Major General".


Since the beginning of the war in 1941, Rokossovsky has commanded the 9th mechanized corps. For special achievements he was promoted to lieutenant general.

During the terrible battle for Moscow, when he managed to throw the enemy far beyond its borders, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.


In the spring of 1942, he was seriously wounded: fragments damaged the liver and lung. The spine was also injured. Despite the fact that K.K. a long rehabilitation was ahead, he returned to duty, barely recovering. Then K.K. stood at the head of the Don Front.


Rokossovsky brilliantly carried out Operation Uranus to destroy enemy troops in the region of the strategically important Stalingrad. Then Field Marshal Paulus and one hundred thousand soldiers of Nazi Germany were captured.

For a talented operation, K.K. He was awarded the Order of Suvorov and the rank of Colonel General.

Since then, Stalin addressed Rokossovsky by name and patronymic.


Since 1943, he has been in charge of the Central Front. It was not easy, but thanks to the resourcefulness and innate instinct of the commander in chief, our troops managed to push the enemy back. For valor and courage K.K. promoted to General of the Army.

After the Battle of Kursk, Rokossovsky is considered an unsurpassed strategist. Thanks to him, our troops pushed the enemy back and suffered minimal losses.

He was even credited with the ability to read the thoughts of the enemy, the plan of action was drawn up so accurately.

It was on the Kursk Bulge that new methods of warfare were first used: the tactics of getting ahead of the enemy, etc.


Liberation of Belarus K.K. considered his main achievement. In 1944, Zhukov, Vasilevsky and Rokossovsky drew up a plan, codenamed "Bagration". For its implementation, two simultaneous strikes were needed to "paralyze" the enemy and deprive him of the ability to transfer equipment and manpower.

For 60 days, Belarus, Poland and part of the Baltic states were free from invaders.


Germany capitulated in 1945, and Rokossovsky received his second order.

In 1946, the marshal hosted a parade in Moscow.

In 1949, the marshal returned to the land of his ancestors - to Poland.

He made a lot of efforts to increase the defense capability of his homeland. The military industry was created from nothing, tanks, planes, rockets appeared.

Returning to the USSR, K.K. returns to military activities and heads the Ministry of Defense.


Within a few months, the legendary commander was dying of cancer. On August 3, 1968, the heart of Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky stopped beating. His ashes are buried in the Kremlin wall.
