Real Life Heroes Wiki

Noe Olivares Alpizar was a Mexican politician who served as community delegate of Texcapilla, who on November 8, 2023, along with other residents, confronted a group of armed drug traffickers who raided the town. Armed with a machete, Noe Olivares helped kill 10 traffickers before being murdered.

Sequence of events[]

During noon on November 8, 2023, a group of vans from the criminal group La Familia Michoacana, along with their leader nicknamed "El Payaso" (one of the most wanted criminals in the country) entered the town of Texcapilla which is to the south from Mexico. The criminals were heavily armed with military weapons.

During the afternoon, El Payaso demanded payment from residents and community delegate Noe Olivares, threatening them with death. After a long discussion, Noe Olivares organized an armed resistance and ambushed the narcos.

After an hour of confrontation. The residents, mostly armed with knives and machetes, killed 10 traffickers, including El Payaso. 4 civilians were killed, including Noe Olivares.

Noe Olivares was remembered on the social media accounts of the residents of his town.
